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June is Busting Out All Over!

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Hello Pretties! Here in Texas we went from winter through 2 days of spring and now we're expecting it to hit something like 108 degrees F this week. (yuck).

But we managed to survive May and we have some really exciting stuff to tell you about!

The first is that after a few months of running the Teespring, we realized the options there were just too limited. So, we've done a lot of work and shifted to our very own storefront on Storenvy! All of your favorite snarky designs are there, and a few new and re-designed pieces too. And now, we're able to offer more sizes, more styles, more colors and more... STUFF. We'll be adding more new designs, and expanding color options for things like pillows and phone cases soon too, so if you want a design on a certain color background- let us know and we'll jump right on it! To check out all of our snarky anti-ableist brilliance- visit the new store at: PrettySick Supply Shop.

Now that that's done and launched we're planning ahead for two more new BIG projects... think along the lines of the new Apps section- that kind of big. The longer-term plan is to add another new section to the site specifically for "Bath & Beauty." We'll share links to spoonie-friendly bath and beauty products, feature disabled youtube beauty bloggers, and try to find makeup tips and products specifically for our community. We thought about just adding a new shop category but really- we've decided the better plan is to put more time into it and create a whole new section.

We're not sure how long it will take to build the section, we HOPE to have it running at least in a skeletal fashion by the fall, but as always- that will depend a lot on pain levels, life, and other issues. In the meantime, if you know of or are a disabled/chronically ill beauty vlogger- PLEASE send us links! We'll bookmark them and share your videos/channels/tips/articles in the new section.

The second big announcement is a collaboration with friend of PSS- Shay. Shay is an accessibility consultant/activist and came to us with a BRILLIANT idea for some real world activism that can also tie in here on the site. Over the next few weeks SarahCate and Shay will be working on designing a card (think... business or index card size) that can be handed out to able-bodied people when they ... "try" to help us out in the world. These cards will be especially useful in situations where you don't have the emotional energy to educate on the spot, but still need to explain to someone WHY their help wasn't needed, or maybe even... was downright harmful.

And, after the internet meme of some fame, we're calling it- the Gold Star Campaign. As in all those great spoonie versions of the 'You Tried" gold star meme! The cards will be friendly but firm, and they'll all have a link back to another new section on the site where we'll share expanded tips for assisting disabled folks, and create an education space around the concept of consent. As we develop the cards and the section, we'll share updates, but our goal is to have sample cards ready and in Shay's Canadian hands by mid-June to present at a conference they're speaking at. :Fingers Crossed:

Shortly after that, we'll open the new section of the site, and start building it out in earnest- adding tips for helping folks with specific challenges (For example, helping Blind/VI individuals, D/deaf/HOH Individuals, Wheelchair Users, etc.etc). We'll also be building a basic glossary to educate able-bodied folks about common terms we use amongst ourselves everyday. Everything from CFS/ME to EDS to Hypermobility to POTS to Spoonies... we thinks it's time that there was a place where the well-meaning helpers in the world could go to really learn about the best ways to interact with and assist the disabled and chronically ill that they encounter- be it out in the world or even... among their own family and friends. (As always, we 100% welcome your input in this new section. So start taking note of all the ways you wish people would help or.. not help when you're stuck out in public just... existing as a disabled person)

Ultimately we'll be developing the cards so they can also be ordered in volume through our shop. You can keep them on hand to hand out for those times when people just... INSIST on helping... even after you've said no. Think of them as an instant education without the emotional labor. And, since we've had request for it, we'll also be creating cards from some of our existing designs too- similarly sized that can be handed out as desired too. Wouldn't you like to have the "Consideration Checklist" on a business card to hand to your nosy Aunt Fran who keeps insisting you should try essential oils to CURE your fibro? Well, you'll be able to soon enough!

For now, that's about all the site news on our end. But to be fair- it's A LOT.

In the world of social media though, we want to send a special thank you out to the incredible Carly Findlay! Carly is a huge figure in the disability/appearance activism world branching from her home in Australia. A couple weeks ago she ordered one of our cushions from teespring, and was kind enough to share the experience on her instagram. Well, her pillows arrived and this past week she shared our shop and site on all of her social media accounts and brought us a HUGE influx of attention- for which we just could not be more grateful. Site hits went up 4fold, and it was perfectly timed as we launched the new store.

Frankly, the two of us here have been fangirling out ever since it happened and we're so grateful for the plug of both our designs and the site itself. It's always our goal to get as many folks in the community to see PrettySick Supply as possible, and use the resources that we work to collect.

And that's the news around here. We hope May was kind to you all, and that June isn't too dreadful either. We know a lot of our folks (especially our Potsies) have a really difficult time with the heat, so we're praying for lots of temperate weather for you all. Happy Summer Ya'll!



2 rows of velcro-secured vests in various patterns and colors, including fandom themes, nature, plain color, and kids cartoons.  Below are 3 different patterned thin neck scarves in different patterns.

A rane of products meant to asist with task that involve gripping.  A special scrub brush for washing dishes, a no-spill carrying hook for a single mug, a carrier that holds four coffee mugs, a zipper pull, gardening tools, loop to help hold a cell phone, a glove meant to help hold a drink bottle, a wristband that holds a fishing pole, a disk that holds a hand of playing cards, scissor and a nail clipper that rest on a desk or tabletop.



Normally, each month, we feature a single fundraising campaign. We like to share these links so that visitors who have the means know where need may be and can help folks in our community who are trying to get access to care or equipment they otherwise can't afford. Because there are so many folks needing help right now, we're going to start sharing a few campaigns a month- in hopes that we can help spread the love as widely as possible. If you are able, please consider donating to one of these fundraising campaign to help those who need it. =========================

Help a BRCA1 Survivor Get Necessities & Care

Katrina is a chronically ill BRCA1/HBOC Previvor who is struggling financially with everything from basics like food, meds and gas to paying for cancer screenings, surgeries, needed home medical equipment, specialty garments and more. Help her build her funds so that she can get the care, and daily necessities taken care of.

You can read about her challenges, and her determination to increase awareness on her Facebook Page by clicking Here


No More Craptions

A tee-shirt fundraiser page featuring a black tee with white text.  A white square outline surrounds large white lettering reading, "NO MORE CRAPTIONS".  To the right is all of the purchase dialogue including sizes, color options, and style variations.  The shirt is listed at $20 and the short summary reads, "Show your support for the #NoMoreCraptions campaign and to bring captions to YouTube!

Available Thru June 21st, 2018!

#NoMoreCraptions is a campaign that was launched in September 2016 by Rikki Poynter, a deaf YouTuber. #NoMoreCraptions was created to bring awareness to proper closed captioning on YouTube and the incorrectness of automatic captions, also known as "craptions". Design credit 100% goes to Pat Graziosi. He designed this for me to use for a t-shirt.

View the video below from campaign creator Rikki Poynter for more information!


A Hyperbaric O2 Chamber for Carter

A slightly blurry photo of a portable hyperbaric 02 chamber set on a wood floor.

For a long time I've heard so much about Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber treatments for children and the amazing results they can have. (We can get this chamber for 6000$ -  new it would cost over 20,000$. )

Each child I have heard about has pretty much different results, but nonetheless it is always some degree of significant improvement.  The lady selling this said her son had improvement with his vision.  How exciting is that ??  Other children I have followed have had significant improvement in mobility and tone and overall mental status. Although I have been extremely happy for the children that were blessed to get these treatments, I always felt a twinge of jealousy because I could not offer Carter this opportunity. I know I shouldn't feel that way but it was my mama's hurting heart that wants to give Carter every opportunity possible to have the best life possible.  I know I said I did not want to fund raise any more this year but when I saw this incredible opportunity I just felt I had to try.  The lady selling this is willing to hold this for me for a couple weeks. If I'm not able to raise the money I will refund the money to each that donates .   I have a friend that adopted an adorable, sweet special needs child from China. She is a physical therapist. Her son would be able to use this also so two children could possibly have their "miracle ".


Freedom! Aka, a Folding Powerchair

A slightly out-of-focus of a foldable power wheelchair

I believe, with proper support from a vocational rehabilitation specialist, and an electric wheelchair, that I will be able to return to proper and gainful employment.

Insurance will cover, and is partnered with, several vocational rehabilitation specialists, so that cost is covered. 

However, since I am "only" a fall risk and in pain, insurance will not cover an electric wheelchair. Only a manual. Their reasoning is that I am capable of getting around my home without a chair, even using walls for support and balance, so I must be capable of pushing a manual chair.


Help a Fibro Warrior Make a Move

A photo of a person with short, hot pink/reddish hair holding a Canadian Flag.  They are light-skinned and smiling.

"At the beginning of August, my husband Tom and I will be moving from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to London, Ontario.  As many know, I have been in college for seven years.  I earned my BA in 2016 and just finished my MA with a perfect 4.0 GPA in May of 2018.  My ultimate goal is to earn a PhD in Women’s Studies.  Over the last four years, I have become heavily invested in researching the lives of women with invisible disabilities.  During my MA, I won the Eliana Berg Award for Graduate Research for my paper entitled “The Freak, the Ugly, and the Invisible: Strategies of Disabled Performance in a Variety of Disabled Bodies” and I recently successfully defended my MA thesis “Invisible in More Than One Way: Attending to the Ignored Performance Strategies of the Invisibly Disabled."  The guiding theme throughout my work is that people with invisible disabilities experience being disabled differently than people with visible disabilities.  The body of research on the large population of women with invisible disabilities is upsettingly limited, and my goal is to produce this needed knowledge."

Jill and Tom have an amazing opportunity for to continue in a program in Canada. But as someone with Fibro, moving expenses will necessitate professional moving assistance which can be prohibitively expensive all on it's own! Help them boost their moving funds so that Jill can take her work in our community to the next level!

========================= If you can't contribute, please consider sharing any of our featured campaigns on your social media! Someone you know may be looking for a way to give back and could make a huge difference in someone's life! You can also look at previous blog entries to see if other featured campaigns are still in need of help!

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